khard.conf ========== Summary ------- The config file for :manpage:`khard` is a plain text file with an ini-like syntax. Many options have a corresponding command line option. The only mandatory section in the config file is the definition of the available address books. Location -------- The file is looked up at :file:`$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/khard/khard.conf`. If the environment variable :file:`$XDG_CONFIG_HOME` is unset :file:`~/.config/` is used in its stead. The location can be changed with the environment variable :file:`$KHARD_CONFIG` or the command line option :option:`-c` (which takes precedence). Syntax ------ The syntax of the config file is ini-style dialect. It is parsed with the configobj library. The precise definition of the corresponding ini syntax can be found at . It supports sections marked with square brackets and nested sections with more square brackets. Each section contains several keys with values delimited by equal signs. The values are typed and type checked. Options ------- The config file consists of these four sections: adressbooks This section contains several subsections, but at least one. Each subsection can have an arbitrary name which will be the name of an addressbook known to khard. Each of these subsections **must** have a *path* key with the path to the folder containing the vcard files for that addressbook. general This section allows one to configure some general features about khard. The following keys are available in this section: - *debug*: a boolean indication weather the logging level should be set to *debug* by default (same effect as the :option:`--debug` option on the command line) - *default_action*: the default action/subcommand to use if the first non option argument does not match any of the available subcommands - *editor*: the text editor to use to edit address book entries, if not given :file:`$EDITOR` will be used - *merge_editor*: a command used to merge two cards interactively, if not given, :file:`$MERGE_EDITOR` will be used contact table This section is used to configure the behaviour of different output listings of khard. The following keys are available: - *display*: which part of the name to use in listings; this can be one of ``first_name``, ``last_name`` or ``formatted_name`` - *group_by_addressbook*: weather or not to group contacts by address book in listings - *localize_dates*: weather to localize dates or to use ISO date formats - *preferred_email_address_type*: labels of email addresses to prefer - *preferred_phone_number_type*: labels of telephone numbers to prefer - *reverse*: weather to reverse the order of contact listings or not - *show_nicknames*: weather to show nick names - *show_uids*: weather to show uids - *sort*: field by which to sort contact listings vcard - *private_objects*: a list of strings, these are the names of private vCard fields (starting with ``X-``) that will be loaded and displayed by khard - *search_in_source_files*: weather to search in the vcard files before parsing them in order to speed up searches - *skip_unparsable*: weather to skip unparsable vcards, otherwise khard exits on the first unparsable card it encounters - *preferred_version*: the preferred vcard version to use for new cards Example ------- This is the example config file: .. literalinclude :: ../../../misc/khard/khard.conf.example :language: ini