Command line usage

The following subsections give an overview of khard’s main features.

You may get general help and all available actions with

khard --help

If you need help on a specific action, use:

khard action --help

Beware, that the order of the command line parameters matters.

Show contacts

After you have created a new address book or calendar and you have synced it to your local machine, you can list all available contacts with the following command:

khard list

or if you have more than one address book and you want to filter the output:

khard list -a addressbook1,addressbook2

The resulting contact table only contains the first phone number and email address. If you want to view all contact details you can pick one from the list:

khard details

or search for it:

khard details [--strict-search] name of contact

or select the contact by it’s uid, which you can find at the contacts table:

khard details -u ID

The parameters -a and -u from the examples above are always optional. If you don’t use them or your input produces unambiguous results, you may pick the contacts from a list instead.

The search parameter searches in all data fields. Therefore you aren’t limited to the contact’s name but you also could for example search for a part of a phone number, email address or post address. However if you explicitly want to narrow your search to the name field, you may use the –strict-search parameter instead.

Create contact

Add new contact with the following command:

khard new [-a "address book name"]

The template for the new contact opens in the text editor, which you can set in the khard.conf file. It follows the yaml syntax.

Alternatively you can create the contact from stdin:

echo """
First name : John
Last name  : Smith
Email :
    work :
Phone :
    home : xxx 555 1234
Categories :
    - cat1
    - cat2
    - cat3
""" | khard new [-a "address book name"]

or create from input template file:

khard new -i contact.yaml [-a "address book name"]

You may get an empty contact template with the following command:

khard export --empty-contact-template -o empty.yaml

Per default khard creates vcards of version 3.0. If your other contact applications support vcards of the more recent version 4.0, you may change this with the option –vcard-version. Example:

khard new --vcard-version=4.0 [-a "address book name"]

For a more permanent solution you may set the preferred_version parameter in the vcard section of the khard config file (see misc/khard/khard.conf.example for more details). But beware, that khard cannot convert already existing contacts from version 3.0 to 4.0. Therefore this setting is not applicable to the modify action.

Edit contacts

Use the following to modify the contact after successful creation:

khard modify [-a addr_name] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]]

If you want to edit the contact elsewhere, you can export the filled contact template:

khard export -o contact.yaml [-a addr_name] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]]

Edit the yaml file and re-import either through stdin:

cat contact.yaml | khard modify [-a addr_name] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]]

or file name:

khard modify -i contact.yaml [-a addr_name] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]]

If you want to merge contacts use the following to select a first and then a second contact:

khard merge [-a source_abook] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]] [-A target_abook] [-U target_uid|-t target_search_terms]

You will be launched into your merge_editor ( see the “merge_editor” option in khard.conf) where you can merge all changes from the first selected contact onto the second. Once you are finished, the first contact is deleted and the second one updated.

Copy or move contact:

khard copy [-a source_abook] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]] [-A target_abook]
khard move [-a source_abook] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]] [-A target_abook]

Remove contact:

khard remove [-a addr_name] [-u uid|search terms [search terms ...]]