.. khard documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sun Jan 14 10:35:27 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Welcome to khard's documentation! ================================= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Contents: Khard is an address book for the Linux command line. It can read, create, modify and delete carddav address book entries. Khard only works with a local store of VCARD files. It is intended to be used in conjunction with other programs like an email client, text editor, vdir synchronizer or VOIP client. Installation ============ Khard is available as a native package for some Linux distributions so you should check your package manager first. If you want or need to install manually you can use the release from `PyPi`_: .. code-block:: shell pip3 install khard If you want to help the development or need more advanced installation instructions see the Development section below. Configuration ============= The configuration file of khard is stored in the XDG conform config directory. If the environment variable ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME`` is set, it is ``$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/khard/khard.conf`` and it defaults to ``~/.config/khard/khard.conf`` otherwise. A minimal configuration is provided in the source tree. It looks like this: .. literalinclude :: ../../misc/khard/khard.conf.example :language: ini Integration with other programs ------------------------------- Khard can be used together with email or SIP clients or a synchronisation program like `vdirsyncer`_. .. _vdirsyncer: https://github.com/pimutils/vdirsyncer/ mutt ~~~~ Khard may be used as an external address book for the email client mutt. To accomplish that, add the following to your mutt config file (mostly ``~/.mutt/muttrc``): .. code-block:: muttrc set query_command= "khard email --parsable %s" bind editor complete-query bind editor ^T complete Then you can complete email addresses by pressing the Tab-key in mutt's new mail dialog. If your address books contain hundreds or even thousands of contacts and the query process is very slow, you may try the ``--search-in-source-files`` option to speed up the search: .. code-block:: muttrc set query_command= "khard email --parsable --search-in-source-files %s" If you want to complete multi-word search strings like "john smith" then you may try out the following instead: .. code-block:: muttrc set query_command = "echo %s | xargs khard email --parsable --" To add email addresses to khard's address book, you may also add the following lines to your muttrc file: .. code-block:: muttrc macro index,pager A \ "khard add-email" \ "add the sender email address to khard" Then navigate to an email message in mutt's index view and press "A" to start the address import dialog. Alot ~~~~ Add the following lines to your alot config file: .. code-block:: ini [accounts] [[youraccount]] [[[abook]]] type = shellcommand command = khard email --parsable regexp = '^(?P[^@]+@[^\t]+)\t+(?P[^\t]+)' ignorecase = True Twinkle ~~~~~~~ For those who also use the SIP client twinkle to take phone calls, khard can be used to query incoming numbers. The plugin tries to find the incoming caller id and speaks it together with the phone's ring tone. The plugin needs the following programs: .. code-block:: shell sudo aptitude install ffmpeg espeak sox mpc sox and ffmpeg are used to cut and convert the new ring tone and espeak speaks the caller id. mpc is a client for the music player daemon (mpd). It's required to stop music during an incoming call. Skip the last, if you don't use mpd. Don't forget to set the "stop_music"-parameter in the ``config.py`` file to ``False``, too. After the installation, copy the scripts and sounds folders to your twinkle config folder: .. code-block:: shell cp -R misc/twinkle/* ~/.twinkle/ Then edit your twinkle config file (mostly ``~/.twinkle/twinkle.cfg``) like this: .. code-block:: ini # RING TONES # We need a default ring tone. Otherwise the phone would not ring at all, if # something with the custom ring tone creation goes wrong. ringtone_file=/home/USERNAME/.twinkle/sounds/incoming_call.wav ringback_file=/home/USERNAME/.twinkle/sounds/outgoing_call.wav # SCRIPTS script_incoming_call=/home/USERNAME/.twinkle/scripts/incoming_call.py script_in_call_answered= script_in_call_failed=/home/USERNAME/.twinkle/scripts/incoming_call_failed.py script_outgoing_call= script_out_call_answered= script_out_call_failed= script_local_release=/home/USERNAME/.twinkle/scripts/incoming_call_ended.py script_remote_release=/home/USERNAME/.twinkle/scripts/incoming_call_ended.py Zsh ~~~ The file ``misc/zsh/_khard`` contains a khard cli completion function for the zsh and ``misc/zsh/_email-khard`` completes email addresses. Install by copying to a directory where zsh searches for completion functions (the ``$fpath`` array). If you, for example, put all completion functions into the folder ``~/.zsh/completions`` you must add the following to your zsh main config file: .. code-block:: zsh fpath=( $HOME/.zsh/completions $fpath ) autoload -U compinit compinit sdiff ~~~~~ Use the wrapper script ``misc/sdiff/sdiff_khard_wrapper.sh`` if you want to use sdiff as your contact merging tool. Just make the script executable and set it as your merge editor in khard's config file: .. code-block:: ini merge_editor = /path/to/sdiff_khard_wrapper.sh Development =========== Khard is developed on `Github`_ where you are welcome to post `bug reports`_, `feature requests`_ or join the discussion in general. The `develop`_ branch is used for active development so please open all pull requests for new features against that branch. Only bug fixes should be opened against master. In order to start coding you need to fetch the develop branch: .. code-block:: shell git clone https://github.com/scheibler/khard cd khard git fetch --all git checkout develop pip3 install --editable . Alternatively you can use the ``setup.py`` script directly. If you want to isolate khard from your system Python environment you can use a `virtualenv`_ to do so. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. _PyPi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/khard/ .. _Github: https://github.com/scheibler/khard .. _develop: https://github.com/scheibler/khard/tree/develop .. _virtualenv: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/stable/ .. _bug reports: https://github.com/scheibler/khard/issues .. _feature requests: https://github.com/scheibler/khard/pulls